Excel in Everything:
School, Exams, Career!

Ben Arnold
10 min readSep 26, 2017
Excel in Everything: School, Exams, Career! www.ChatFellow.CF

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Yes, it’s true!

If I had to learn a foreign language in school, and I already spoke that language fluently, I’m sure I’d do better on tests, and also I’d learn much more than the average student, because I already understand most of what’s being taught. It’s that way with anything in life. The better you are at something the better you’ll be able to do it! My method gives you exactly that. And for free!

You’ll excel at everything!

A great quote from the Bible (2 Corinthians 8:7) says “excel in everything” and that’s our mission at ChatFellow (www.ChatFellow.CF). We’re giving that to you! We give you excellence. Because a stronger brain results in faster reaction time, quicker and better decision making, and more success. Your friends, family, professors, co-workers, and peers will respect you more. Which means they’ll be more willing and happy to help you. Nobody succeeds when doing things alone. A team is much better. You need respect. You need friends. You need the attention that comes from peers and professors and co-workers who will notice and appreciate your enhanced talents and ability.

Live longer!*

A larger brain!*

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Scientific fact: A bilingual brain is resistant to disease! Even resistant to aging! And increases in size! Read the scientific reports at the bottom of this page! Did you know that the brain increases in size based on how well you speak that second language? Keep reading!

Movie Scripts!

My scripts are really nothing more than movie scripts. But how does this work? Read my movie scripts out loud (with your mouth and tongue)! You’ll become fluent by speaking! Your brain automatically and naturally does all of the hard work for you. All you do is speak. Your brain is listening, noticing, comparing, calculating, tagging, recording, and remembering. And also it requires muscle memory (yes, your tongue and mouth have muscle memory).

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Speak Any Language Instantly!
It’s “FREE” forever! Right here:

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Do you really think the President of the United State or famous movie actors like Tom Cruise and Brad Pitt or even sports stars like Michael Jordan got to where they are today by writing their own script? No! They studied other famous people’s scripts, and quoted those scripts over and over again, practicing speaking exactly like the celebrities (Shakespeare etc) who came before them.

Do you tell your lungs to breath?

Do you tell your heart to pump? Do you recognize your friend’s faces by writing a list of the hundreds of features that identifies your friend’s face? Or does your brain do all of that automatically? Exactly, your brain is more powerful than you realize.

Live life, and it just happens…

But I’m asking you to take more control over your life. To make it even better, greater, more awesome! And successful. More fulfilling. Your life blesses the people around you. Your friends and family. Your community. Your community influences the nation. Your nation influences the world. Your life influences all of us. So make it a great one! Whether it’s your child, or you, or whoever is using my free method, will greatly bless this world.

Brain Power!

Give your brain something powerful to feed on. Don’t just write your own script in life. So many great people have gone before you. They’ve left you some powerful scripts, that up until now, weren’t accessible, because only recently did computers enter the average person’s home, and handheld computers such as cell phones.

Reaching the stars!

It’s amazing that humans reached the moon before cell phones, home computers, and plastic was invented. If you visit NASA and take a tour of their old command center in Houston you might be surprised to see the old wooden phones they used to communicate with the astronauts in space!

Today everything including airplanes, ships, and cars are made of plastic, aluminum, and other materials that weren’t widely available until a few decades ago or even just a decade ago! Looking back it’s hard to imagine how they survived without these materials!

More specifically, we didn’t have the internet. Which means the average person such as you or me didn’t have access to movie scripts. Hollywood wasn’t as big as it is today, and there wasn’t a company called Google, or YouTube. Access to movie scripts back in those days was very restrictive. Today many scripts have been made public. And copyright laws have become more sophisticated to allow more freedoms.


Do only 3 minutes per day!

Reading these scripts a few days per week will keep you fluent! A session is only 3 minutes long. Do a few sessions per week. But remember: Talk with your mouth (open your mouth)! Use your tongue!

Repeated 3 times…

Each session should last only 3 minutes. Only read one chapter per session (you’ll be done in 3 minutes). Each script is made up of one paragraph that had been printed 3 times. And so within each script you’re actually reading 3 paragraphs, that are identical! When you read one of my scripts you’ll feel like you’re reading the same content twice or more times. That’s because in fact you are! Within those 3 minutes that you’re reading one of my scripts you’ve actually read the same paragraph 3 times. Why do we do that? It’s to help improve your accent, your speed, and so much more.

These scripts are scientific…

They’re designed according to scientific principles that were discovered concerning the brain, muscles, language, society and other realities that make up the world around us. These scientific methods improve your accent, your speed, and so much more. You’ll quickly become fluent and stay fluent in your favorite foreign languages. How many people can say that? Almost nobody! Using my scripts puts you at the top of your class, your family, your group, your nation, your world. Increase your brain’s health which in turn should increase your body’s health and other aspects of your life, for example increased productivity, making your life more fulfilling and rewarding and exciting. That’s you! Totally awesome! You’ll feel like James Bond or some other celebrity who people respect, and idolize. People will look at you the same way they look at Ivy League college graduates. Someone with higher intelligence than everybody else.

Just 3 minutes per day!

Read my free language scripts, 3 minutes, each day for 2 weeks and if you see dramatic improvement in your fluency then please do this for the rest of your life! Always free! Right here. Guaranteed: You’ll be totally fluent within a few months (most people become fluent within two weeks). And permanently! Never lose your ability to speak fluently ever again!

Speak Now!

Be fluent now & never lose it!

Why should you speak more than one language? I’m not saying that you should “learn” a second language. No. I’m saying that you should “speak” a second language. Up until now, most schools around the world teach their students a second language. Almost everybody on this planet learns a second language in school. But learning and speaking are two different things! It’s a horrible tragedy that most students graduate from school unable to speak that language fluently. The language that they spent 6–10 years studying. How tragic!


#1 ). Forget about pronunciation!

#2 ). Don’t try to understand!

(this is scientifically proven to work)

Remember those 2 rules! Ignore pronunciation. Don’t try to understand what you’re reading. Simply read out loud. Try to read at a normal pace. Skip any words that you cannot pronounce (remember: Skip any words that you cannot pronounce). Don’t slow down! A steady pace is vital.

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Speak Any Language Instantly!
It’s “FREE” forever! Right here:

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What About Less Popular Languages?

Only 5 languages are essential on this planet. Everything else is just a hobby or extra icing on the cake. I’m joking of course. If perhaps you do need a less popular language for your career or other important reasons, I will show you how to get scripts for that language (Keep reading).

Don’t Watch Movies!

My method is the only way you can start speaking immediately. Watching a movie wastes an hour of your day. My method only takes 3 minutes! Listening to the radio isn’t the same as speaking. That’s not a conversation. That’s a lecture! All your time is wasted! My method only takes 3 minutes. And you’re the one doing all of the talking! You’re speaking instantly! What about school? Schools, institutes, private lessons, and language classes will teach you the same thing over and over and over again. Lots of grammar and no speaking! Time to graduate!

What About School?

School is great for giving you a foundation, the fundamentals, but not for speaking. School is great, one time. Don’t do it twice! That would be insane. Nobody becomes fluent! Even the second time. And third time. Graduate from school and then reward yourself by using my method to be fluent. Don’t go back and do school over again. Do graduate! And then become fluent. My way is the only way you’ll become fluent and stay fluent in all of your languages. You deserve that.

Want Optimum Results?

For optimum results do a session each day (or at least 3 days per week). Many of my clients become fluent within 2 weeks!!! Most people become fluent within 2 months. And you’ll remain fluent permanently.

And then just keep doing this for the rest of your life. Using this method will keep you fluent in all of your languages! Click on the links down below. At the beginning of each month I add 30 new scripts. That’s 365 scripts each year. Free! Enjoy!

Should I read more?

It’s not necessary. Only read one script per day. I wouldn’t recommend that you do 7 scripts per week because you’ll get burned out. It’s recommended that you take a vacation on the weekends. Or only read scripts just every other day. Or every few days. Burnout is a real thing and can disrupt your habit. Habits are hard to create. You don’t want to risk disrupting a good habit. Building up the habit of reading these scripts every few days will improve your life dramatically. Just one script per day. Every few days. Within that single script you’re reading a paragraph that’s repeated 3 times and so it’ll seem like you’re reading more. And 3 minutes will sometimes seem like a long time. Don’t worry, there’s no need to read more than just one script per day. Don’t read more or you’ll get burned out. Imagine if a year from now you’ve been having regular conversations in foreign languages nearly every day (that’s exactly what you’re doing if you’re reading my scripts)!

Regret is eternal…

If you got burned out and quit during those first months or weeks or days, you’ll look back at that year when it’s all over and the new year is beginning, and you’ll have nothing to show, you’ll have nothing but regret. Or… you can look back and say that you’ve been having regular conversations for an entire year. And in 2 years and 3 years and so on… you’ll look back and say you’ve been having regular conversation in your favorite foreign languages for many, many years! How many people can say that? Almost nobody! You will be at the top of your class, your family, your group, your nation, your world. Increase your brain’s health which in turn should increase your body’s health and other aspects of your life, for example increased productivity, making your life more fulfilling and rewarding and exciting. That’s you! Totally awesome! You’ll feel like James Bond or some other celebrity who people respect, and idolize. People will look at you the same way they look at Ivy League college graduates. Someone with higher intelligence than everybody else.

Brain Power!

You become burned out if you’re doing more than your body can endure. Your brain is real. It can be damaged. It can become tired. It needs rest, entertainment, and time to heal. Your mouth and tongue are the same way. These are very real muscles. If you’re feeling tired, or stressed, don’t do more than one session. And you can take a vacation for several days. I recommend doing 3 sessions per week. Doing it every day will develop a good habit. And make you better faster. But it might also make you tired.

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Speak Any Language Instantly!
It’s “FREE” forever! Right here:

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Excel in Everything:
School, Exams, Career!

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By Ben Arnold
Written 2017–9–26

Ben Arnold is a CEO/Chair at ChatFellow LLC and is just one of many executives who lead the ChatFellow family. We have offices and CEOs in nearly every country around the world. You’re always welcome to visit us. Please visit us anytime. You can email me at BigConversation@Zoho.com anytime for any reason. Thank you for caring about your health, happiness, and success. And for caring about the world around you. We’re a for-profit business but we have charitable minded objectives. We give our program for free to impoverished school systems around the world. And to entire cities in under developed nations. Even the most far and remote locations of the world! When you contribute to our company by purchasing our program you enable us to distribute our life changing, life saving, life enhancing program to millions of others, totally for free, saving millions of lives. We’re trying to make the world more unified through global communication. And solving the world’s problems through education. We believe each person deserves an awesome life. All 7 billion of us! Your world thanks you! -Ben :-D

Email: BigConversation@Zoho.com

